Programming by Doing: How to Learn Java Fast

How to learn Java fast

Every day, the IT world is flooded with beginners figuring out how to learn Java programming language. It is not surprising that you too want to master this popular programming language. The benefits of mastering Java are nearly endless. Being one of the most in-demand programming languages in the world, learning how to code with Java is definitely a great career decision. But, it is not just the amazing earning opportunities that make learning Java a necessary move: it also makes learning other programming languages like JavaScript and Python a lot easier.

What is Java programming language?

First released by Sun Microsystems in 1995, Java is an object-oriented programming language that is designed to be concurrent and class-based. Most websites and applications will not work unless you install Java. In fact, Java is the go-to programming language for most applications. From game consoles to laptops, cellphones, datacenters, to the Internet, Java is literally ubiquitous. Most programmers love Java for its fast performance, reliability, and security.

While Java was designed to look and feel like C++ programming language, it is much simpler to use than C++ and enforces an objected-oriented programming model. Java can be used to build applications that are capable of running on a single computer or are distributed among servers and clients in a network. You can also use it to build a small application module for use as part of the web page.

Java offers several attractive features. Some of these include:

  • Platform independent language
  • Rich standard library for easy coding. It is possible to create a complete stand-alone application using Java programming language
  • Java supports automatic memory allocation and deallocation (known as garbage collection)
  • Java supports multithreading concurrency. This ensures great performance, making it a highly interactive and responsive programming language.
  • Java is secure and simple.

What is Java programming for?

Mobile Applications

Java is considered the official programming language for mobile application development. It is compatible with both Kotlin and Android Studio. But why only Java? Well, because it can run on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) whereas Android executes class files using Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVK). All these files are bundled as Android application Package (APK). Java and its OOPs principles provide better security and ease of simplicity with Android.

Desktop GUI Applications

Java programming language is used for developing most desktop applications. It also provides GUI development capability through different means mainly Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), JavaFX, and Swing. While AWT comes with a number of pre-assembled components like list, menu, button, Swing is a GUI widget toolkit that offers certain advanced elements like scroll panes, trees, lists, and tabbed panel.

Web-based Applications

Java is also used for developing web applications. It provides great support for web applications through Servlets, JSPs, or Struts. With the help of these technologies, you can program any kind of web application using Java. The easy coding and high security that comes with the Java programming language allow the development of a large number of applications for social security, health, insurance, and education.

Enterprise Applications

Java is the programming language of choice for software developers who are looking to write applications. And Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is a popular platform that provides both API and runtime environment for scripting. It also provides network applications as well as web-services. Programmers consider Java EE the backbone for a variety of banking applications that have Java running on the UI to the back server end.

Scientific Applications

Software developers consider Java the programming language of choice when coding highly secure and fast scientific calculations as well as mathematical operations. These programs support a higher degree of portability while offering low maintenance. Applications like MATLAB use Java for creating interactive UI as well as part of the core system.

Gaming Applications

Java programming language enjoys the support of the jMonkey Engine, a powerful open-source 3D-Engine that has an unparalleled capability to design 3D games.

Big Data Technologies

Java is the force behind the success of Big Data technologies like Hadoop as well as powerful programming languages like Scala. There is no doubt that Java is the building block when it comes to developing Big Data using Java.

Business Applications

Java EE platform is designed to enable programmers to create large-scaled, multi-layered, reliable, scalable, and secure networking applications that are capable of solving problems encountered by large organizations. Some of the features that make enterprise applications powerful like reliability and security often make these business applications quite complex. The Java EE platform reduces the complexity of the enterprise application development through the provision of a development model, API, and runtime environment that allows programmers to focus on the application’s functionality.

Cloud-Based Applications

Cloud computing means on-demand delivery of IT solutions on a pay-as-you-go basis. It provides IT infrastructure solutions at a low cost. Java offers features that can help programmers create applications, meaning that you can use it in the IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS development. It enables organizations to build their applications remotely or help them share data with others, irrespective of the requirements.

How Long does it take to learn Java for beginners?

For a complete beginner with no programming experience, it might take you 6-12 months to learn Java and begin applying for gigs. The duration of your study basically depends on the amount of time you are willing to set aside each day to learn Java. If you can set aside 4 hours per day to learning Java, then your chances of mastering this programming language within the stated time frame will be high.

How long does it take to learn Java if you have programming experience?

You can learn Java much faster if you have programming experience. Depending on your programming experience and dedication, your learning duration can vary from 2 weeks to 3 months. Java can be used to solve the same problems as JavaScript, Python, or C#, so an experience in any of these languages will definitely help you learn Java fast.

Java syntax is slightly different from the syntax of the programming languages mentioned above. However, if you are familiar with another programming language, then you are definitely familiar with coding concepts, OPP, and other stuff you need to code. These concepts are quite similar in all programming languages. So you if you are experienced in other programming languages, then consider setting aside 2 to 12 weeks to learn Java and begin building apps with it.

How to start learning Java

Well, like with anything else, you are going to need the motivation to learn Java. Alongside motivation, you will also need a couple of things such as your computer. You cannot learn Java without a computer.

With the right mindset and equipment, you should be ready to start learning Java.

The first thing you will need to do is download and install Java on your computer. Once you have done this, you should download a tool on which you will code. This can be Eclipse or IntelliJ Idea. After downloading these tools, you should be ready to start learning Java.

What is the best way to learn Java fast?

You are probably asking, what is the best way to learn Java fast? There is no doubt that you want to be as efficient as possible while learning Java. Well, the best way to learn Java first is to start from the basics, spending the first 2 weeks learning how to write console applications. After this, you can move on to writing the rest APIs using advanced libraries like spring.

Here is what you need to get going:

  1. Setting up a Java environment on your computer
  2. Downloading your preferred coding tool.
  3. Write the first Hello World application
  4. Sign up for an online Java course to guide you through. While the first three points are obvious, an online course will help you learn Java fast and earn a certification upon successful completion.

A properly structured online Java course will guide you through setting up your environment as well as the other stuff you need to know.

However, keep in mind that a single course may not be sufficient to learn and master Java. Be sure to experiment and master your skills. An online Java course will guide you through the basics of how to complete simple projects.

Now, the next step is to find the best courses to help you learn Java. We will help you find the right resources to get you started with your learning.

10 Best Java Programming Courses


Offered by


Become a Java Programmer Nanodegree


What you will learn:

  • Java fundamentals
  • Advanced Java programming techniques
  • Java application deployment

Become a Java Web Developer Nanodegree


What you will learn:

  • Initialize and use primitive Java data types (i.e. float, int, etc)
  • Select and use Collections from java.util.Collections
  • Design and create classes and class methods in Java
  • Create interfaces and subclasses in Java
  • Launch Java applications from an IDE
  • Write basic queries in SQL

Introduction to Java Programming

University Carlos III de Madrid

What you will learn

  • Develop simple programs in Java making use of conditionals, loops, and recursion
  • Understand basic mechanisms of the OOP paradigm, as well as use the API of some of the most common Java classes
  • Detect and correct common programming errors at compile-time and runtime
  • Compare the efficiency of programs in terms of resources used
  • Model simple programs using basic software engineering techniques
  • Develop and use basic data structures including lists, stacks, queues and trees
  • Develop and use linear and non-linear data structures and implement algorithms for efficient searching and sorting of data

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java


What you will learn:

  • Learn the foundational basics of the Java programming language.
  • Learn the basics of object-oriented programming and algorithms.
  • Learn how to create and use exceptions, data structures, recursion, and graphical user-interfaces (GUIs).

Java Programming Fundamentals



What you will learn

  • Understand the basic mechanisms of the OOP paradigm: classes, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.
  • Develop programs with conditionals and loops
  • Design and implement recursive algorithms
  • Write, compile and run basic Java applications.
  • Use networking interfaces to communicate different programs

Learn to Program in Java



What you will learn

  • Basic Java commands and APIs using industry tools
  • Foundational data organization and manipulation
  • Code control structures, such as loops and if/else statements
  • How to structure code using methods, parameters, and returns

Software Construction in Java



What you will learn

  • Java programming
  • Software testing
  • Code specifications
  • Abstract data types

Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals


Duke University

What you will learn:

  •          Programming foundations with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  •          Java Programming: Solving problems with software
  •          Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data
  •          Java Programming: Principles of software design
  •          Java Programming: Build a recommendation system

Object Oriented Java Programming: Data Structures and Beyond


UC San Diego

What you will learn:

  •         Object-oriented programming in Java
  •         Data structures and performance
  •         Advanced data structures in Java
  •        Mastering the software engineering interview
  •          Capstone: Analyzing (social) network data

Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software

Duke University

What you will learn:

·         Fundamental Java Syntax and Semantics

·         Strings in Java

·         CSV Files and Basic Statistics in Java

·         MiniProject: Baby Names


How To Learn Java Fast: Conclusion

Java is a popular programming language thanks to its simplicity and versatility. The best way to learn Java is to start off with the right attitude. Then, start by learning the terminology, practicing, and practicing some more. Remember, right practice makes perfect. Most programmers believe Java is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. However, success lies in the amount of time you are willing to invest to learn Java. May the coding spirit be with you! Happy coding!

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